For companies

We help entrepreneurs, startups and innovators take the next step! We can assist you with business development, product or production development, and help you establish new networks.
Business development
Grow your business with our help! We provide solutions and help you overcome challenges. We focus on sustainability to take your company forward.
Products and production
Are you approaching the production phase with a prototype? Does your company face production challenges? We can help you take the next step and find new solutions using a range of methods and tools.
Connect with other companies facing similar challenges and make important contacts for the future with our help! We have a strong network that includes AstraZeneca, KTH, Scania and Södertälje municipality.

We offer several programmes and activities, primarily targeted at companies within the fields of production and manufacturing, or startups with a physical product. On this page, you can find a selection of our programmes and activities – if you'd like to know more, feel free to contact us.


Produktionsänglar (meaning Production angels) offer startups a unique opportunity to take a physical product from prototype to production. In the Produktionsänglar programme, which is initiated by Södertälje Science Park and KTH, you get help with coaching, matching and skills development.

Contact Natalia Urbanska for more information, or read more here (in Swedish).


Are you a producing company that wants to strengthen your business? Liften (meaning the Lift) is a programme that helps you identify development needs and find solutions to challenges in your company.

Contact Maria Rylander Masoumi for more information, or read more here (in Swedish).


Hållbarhetsprogrammet (meaning the Sustainability Programme) provides tips and tools for establishing relevant and structured sustainability work, with a clear connection to the global goals and sustainability laws. After completing the programme, you have the opportunity to obtain a certificate.

Contact Eva Helén for more information, or read more here (in Swedish).

Want to know more?

We can tell you about our whole range of activities and programmes.
Contact us


Robert Kingfors
Tel: 070-392 95 00
Mejla mig
Mats Lundin
Mats Lundin
Programansvarig för SuPr
Tel: 070-780 61 00
Mejla mig

Want to know more?

We can tell you about our whole range of activities and programmes.
Contact us